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Aloe Vera is one of the most powerful natural tonics for the body, which activates and regenerates all organs. Aloe Vera is an immunomodulator and adaptogen, it has anti-aging properties, improves digestive system, metabolism, helps eliminate toxins, reduces the level of sugar and may be indicated for the treatment of diabetes.

Aloe Vera has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, improves healing of wounds and ulcers. This medicine is used to treat skin diseases, improves the condition of skin, rejuvenates, prevents wrinkles.

Also Aloe Vera is used in hyperacidity, heartburn.

Indication: immunomodulator, adaptogen, Rasayana, weak digestion, acidity, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, diabetes, skin diseases.


Aloe barbadensis infusion (liquid extract).


1 tablespoon twice a day before meals.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation, the presence or predisposition to neoplasms.

Original name:

Aloe vera juice Sahul.

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