Hat Analoga

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Ashwagandha is one of the greatest ayurvedic medicines. It is often called “Indian ginseng” because of its unique role and great significance in Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is considered to be the best medicine for people with high Vata in constitution. It has deep rejuvenating impact on many tissues, including muscles, bone marrow, semen. This herb is a famous sexual stimulant. It is even reflected in the name: “Ashwa” in Sanskrit means “horse”, “gandha” – “herb”. This points out its ability to boost vitality and sexuality.

Ashwagandha increases serotonin and dopamine depo in central nervous system. It prevents nervous exhaustion, insomnia, memory decrease, degenerative processes in nervous system (e.g. Parkinson disease). Also Ashwagandha is very useful in general prostration, over work states in children and students. 

It can be applied externally in cases of ulcers, wounds, abscesses.

This medicine activates anabolic processes and prevents many aging conditions. Ashwagandha is a great dietary supplement for pregnant women, it nourishes fetus. 

Ashwagandha benefits:

  • it boosts strength and immunity;
  • it improves sexual performance (premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction), quality of semen, acts as aphrodisiac;
  • rejuvenating and nourishing effect, fights aging;
  • it is great medicine for various nervous disorders caused by high Vata;
  • it heals external ulcers, wounds and injuries, helps in cases of weight loss and muscle waste;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • it nourishes fetus during pregnancy;
  • it is useful in chronic respiratory tract diseases and diabetes.


 high Vata disorders, general prostration, nervous prostration, fatigue, depression, multiple sclerosis, paresis, paralysis, overwork state, exhaustion in children and students, aging problems, neuro-muscular disorders, insomnia, memory decrease, infertility, loss of libido, spermatorrhoea, pollutions, vaginal discharge, rheumatic fever, arthritis of various etiology, dermatological diseases, cough, dyspnea, anemia.


Contents: Withania somnifera.


 1 teaspoon twice a day with honey, ghee or hot milk 1 hour before meal. Children under 5 years: 1/4 from adult dose; children from 5 to 10 years: 1/2-1/4 from adult dose. Or as prescribed by physician.

  • as a general tonic it can be taken together with Brahmi vati.
  • in heart disorders – together with ghee and Arjuna.
  • in urolithiasis and urological tract inflammations- with Gokshuradi Guggul.
  • as a sedative- with 1tablet of Brahmi vati and 1/2 teaspoon of Jatamansi.
  • to boost vitality and immunity- with Chavanprash or with 2 tabletten of Shilageet.

Contra indications: increased intracranial pressure, high Ama, severe stagnation. 

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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