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Chyavanprash - one of the best immunomodulators in Ayurveda. It is a rejuvenating tonic rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements with a very wide range of applications. Chyavanprash is effective for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, improves digestion, cleanses the intestines and blood of toxins, improves skin condition. Also Chyavanprash has a tonic effect on the heart, vision, reproductive system, has a diuretic action.

Additionally, this product improves the nervous system, indicated for insomnia, poor concentration and memory.

Chyavanprash – the most famous product of Ayurveda is known for more than three thousand years. It the recipe was first recorded by sage Charaka in his Charaka Samhita around the IV century BC.

This the medicine is a sweet-spicy soft camobreco mass dark brown in color. The basis of it is Amla.


- general tonic, immunomodulator;

- colds, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis;

- weak digestion, constipation;

- tonic for the nervous system, weakening of concentration, memory, insomnia;

- a rejuvenating tonic for the skin;

- elimination of toxins from the blood and intestines;

- tonic for the heart;

- tonic for eyes;

- tonic for male and female reproductive system, menstrual cycle;

- diuretic, tonic for the urinary system;

- source of vitamins and minerals.


Dashmool, Pipal Badi, Pipal Choti, Pipalamool, Kakrasingi, Draksha, Giloy, Harad, Bala, Bhumiamalaki, Adoosa, Jeevtika, Kachoor, Jivanti, Ksheer Vidari, Nagarmotha,Pohakarmool, Kaknasa, Mugdhparni, Mashparni, Vidarikand, Punarnava, Kakoli, Kamal, Meda, Shatavari, Choti Elaichi, Agar, Chandan each 0.4 gm, Amla 95.32gm processed with Vanshlochan 0.16gm, Dalchini, Elaichi Swet, Tejpatra each 0.005 gm, Madhu 0.243 gm, Ghrit    0.0283 gm, Khand 2.53gm.


Adults – 1 teaspoonful twice a day before meals.

Children - 1/2 teaspoonful 1 to 2 times daily before meals.

Acute respiratory infections the dose may be increased.

Chyavanprash can sometimes cause an increase of acidity and heartburn. In such a situation it should be taken with small volume of warm milk or after meal.

Contraindications: in case of diabetes to be taken with caution as Chyavanprash contains a lot of sugar, acute and chronic nephritis and pyelonephritis, gastritis.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding: can be taken in small doses, or as directed by your doctor.

Original name:

Chyavanprash, 500 gramm Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy.


 Chyawanprash, Chyawanprasham.

Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy is company of famous and honorable in India Vaidya Deepak Kumar. This factory produces highly effective medicines first of all for patients of Doctor Deepak Kumar and only then for the market. The technology of manufacturing and the composition of their Chyavanprash exactly correspond to the ancient Vedic texts.

In our store You can buy authentic Chyavanprash, 500 gramm Adarsh Ayurvedic Pharmacy at the best price!

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

Reviews: 2
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Это лучший Чаванпраш, который мне доводилось пробовать за 11 лет знакомства с аюрведой. Поверьте, мне есть с чем сравнить :) Это действительно то средство, на которое можно положиться в трудную минуту. Особенно сейчас, в период эпидемий очень рекомендую. Хороший подарок учителям при случае (гораздо лучше конфет). Оно помогает унять температуру, помогает справиться с кашлем, повышает иммунитет... Словом, Написанному в инструкции можно верить смело. Единственное но - для людей с гастритами, особенно в острой форме - есть натощак не стоит :) Очень благодарна Артишок и Адарш за поставку этого уникально эффективного и вкусного лекарственного средства.
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