1 review
Hat Analoga

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Giloy is one of the best medicines to improve immunity, purify the blood from the ama (the products of incomplete metabolism), the toxins released by the pathogenic microflora, is used in various liver diseases, stomach disorders, and various types of fever. Additionally, Giloy is indicated for diseases caused by increased Pita - hyperacidity, gastritis, menorrhagia, nasal bleeding, bleeding hemorrhoids.


  • – Adaptogen
  • – Fever
  • – Disruption of the gallbladder
  • – Cleansing the blood
  • – Hepatoprotector
  • – Heartburn, increased acidity
  • – Gout
  • – Diabetes
  • – Liver tonic
  • – High cholesterol
  • – Stomach ulcer
  • – Arthritis, rheumatism, joint inflammation
  • – Weak immunity, immunomodulator
  • – ARI

Affect on doshas:

  • Regulates all three doshas


  • – Giloy - Guduchi - Amruth (Tinospora cordiofolia): stem powder 500 mg
  • – Excipients: Magnesium stearate, Aerosil, Talcum, Acacia arabica gum, MCC, HPMC (instacoat) 78 mg


  • 2-3 tabletten 2 times a day.

Side effects:

    It has no known side effects if the dosage specified in the description is followed.


    It has no known precautions if the dosage specified in the description is followed.


    It has no known contraindications if the dosage specified in the description is followed.

Suitable for vegetarians/vegans:

  • yes.

Original name:

    Giloy Ghanvati, 60 tabletten Patanjali..


    Guduchi, Amruth.


    Information is coming soon.

In our store you can buy authentic Giloy, 60 tabletten Patanjali at the best price! easy and with pleasure!

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition, is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

Reviews: 1
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Зверніть, будь ласка, увагу, на те, що не дивлячись на назву, цей препарат не містить екстакту. Це порошок Гілоя, спресований в таблетку. В даному випадку "Гханваті" в назві - це просто гра слів.

Обратите, пожалуйста, внимание, на то, что не смотря на название, этот препарат не содержит экстакт. Это порошок Гилоя, спресованный в таблетку. В данном случае "Гханвати" в названии - это просто игра слов.

Please note that despite the name, this preparation does not contain an extract. This is Giloy powder, pressed into a tablet. In this case, "Ghanvati" in the title is just a play on words.
Questions: 0

No questions about this product.

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