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Livomyn is an excellent herbal formula for liver disorders, with good antiviral, anti-inflammatory and bile-expelling properties. Livomyn stimulates liver function, improves appetite, expels bile and helps to prevent calculi appearance. Livomyn is an antioxidant and it prevents damage of membranes of liver cells by toxic metabolites, alcohol and infectious agents. 

Moreover, Livomyn has a proven antiviral activity against Australian antigen (hepatitis B).

Livomyn benefits:

  • a proven antiviral activity: Phyllanthus niruri and Picrorhiza kurroa inhibit HBs Ag (Australian antigen);
  • it expels toxins through bile and improves appetite;
  • it inhibits calculi appearance;
  • antitoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity;
  • it normalizes liver synthetic function;
  • it normalizes gall bladder’s function and prevents cirrhotic changes due to alcohol abuse or infection.


liver disorders, hepatitis, toxic and viral hepatitis; general intoxication.


extracts from Andrographis paniculata 700 mg, Phyllanthus niruri 250 mg, Triphala 225 mg, Cichorium intybus 187.5 mg, Boerhaavia diffusa 187.5 mg, Amoora rohituka 187.5 mg, Eclipta alba 125 mg, Adhatoda vasica 125 mg, Zingiber officinale 87.5 mg, Berberis aristata 62.5 mg, Tinospora cordifolia 37.5 mg, Tephrosia pupurea 37.5 mg, Fumaria officinalis 37.5 mg, Embelia ribes 37.5 mg, Coriandrum sativum 25 mg, Aloe barbadensis 25 mg, Picrorrhiza kurroa 7.5 mg, allowed preservatives and colours.


1 tablette twice a day. 

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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