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Makardhwaj vati is a powerful ayurvedic rasayana as it contains sulfur and mercury, sometimes - gold.

It is an excellent medicine for various diseases of respiratory and urinary systems. Besides, Makardhwaj vati is a good nervine and heart tonic.

Perhaps, it is the most powerful medicine in case of low immunity, general exhaustion and chronic sickness.

Moreover, Makardhwaj vati is a great medicine for low sexual vigor and it heals sperm abnormalities. 

It is a tridosha.

Makardhwaj vati benefits:

  • a powerful ayurvedic rasayana, as it contains sulfur and mercury;
  • it is a tridosha;
  • it is nervine and heart tonic;
  • it heals disorders of respiratory and urinary tract;
  • it is a powerful aphrodisiac.


 Makardhwaj, Ras Sindur, Malla Sindur, Jayfal (Myristica Fragrans), Javantri (Myristica Fragrans), Laving (Syzgium Aromaticum), Baras Kapoor(Dryobalanops Aromatica), Safed Mari(Piper Nigrum), Abhrak Bhasma (1000 puti), Loh Bhasma, Chitrakmool(Plumbago Zeylanica), Purified Zerkochala (stychnos Nuk vomica).


 1 tablette 1-twice a day together with honey or Chavanprash. Take it with hot milk with saffron. Or as prescribes by physician.

Caution! Overdosing may cause poisoning (it contains sulfur and mercury).

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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