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Manjishtadi kwatham - mnogokomponentnye the medicine of Kerala school of Ayurveda, one of the best medicines for the treatment of various skin diseases and to purify the blood and liver toxins. This medicine in its action is similar to Mengistu, but more effective and has a more complex effect on the body. Manjishtadi kwatham composed of fifty components, the effect of which similar to Manjishta, but each of these components has its own unique properties, making this medicine, and has such efficiency.

Manjishtadi kwatham is one of the most effective medicines for the treatment of skin diseases associated with high Pitta dosha and pollution of the blood by toxins. Also, this medicine is effective anti-inflammatory agent.


skin diseases associated with an imbalance of Pitta dosha, intoxication, inflammatory processes.



Manjishtha - Rubia cordifolia
Musta - Cyperus rotundus
Kutaj - Holarrhena antidysenterica
Guduchi - Tinospora cordifolia
Erand - Ricinus communis
Sunthi - Zingiber officinale
Bharang - Clerodendrum serratum
Kantkari - Solanum surattense
Vacha - Acorus calamus
Nimba - Azadirachta indica
Aaron beach Villa - Curcuma longa
Daruharidra - Berberis aristata
Haritaki - Terminalia chebula
Bibhitak - Terminalia belerica
Amalaki - Emblica officinalis
Patola - Trichosanthes dioica
Katuki - Picrorhiza kurroa, an herb Royle
Nasottar - Operculina turpethum
Vidang - Embelia ribes
Asana - Pterocarpus marsupium
Chitrak - Plumbago zeylanica
Shatavari - Asparagus recemosus
Trayman - Gentina kurroo
Pippali - Piper longum
Indrajav - Holarrhena antidysenterica
Vasa - Adhatoda vasica
Bhringraj - Eclipta alba
Devdaru - Cedrus deodara
Patha - Cissampelos pareira
Khadira - Acacia catechu
Varun - Crataeva nurvala
Kalmegha - Andographis paniculeta
Bakuchi - Psoralea corylifolia
Aragvadha - Cassia fistula
Shakothak - Streblus asper
Bakayan Nimb - Melia azedarach
Karanj - Pongomia pinnata
Ushir - Vetiveria zizanioides
Indravaruni - Citrullus colocynthis
Anatmul - Hemidesmus indicus
Parpatak - Fumaria parviflora
Manjishtha - Rubia cordifolia
Musta - Cyperus rotundus
Kutaj - Holarrhena antidysenterica
Guduchi - Tinospora cordifolia
Erand - Ricinus communis
Sunthi - Zingiber officinale
Bharang - Clerodendrum serratum
Kantkari - Solanum surattense
Vacha - Acorus calamus
Nimba - Azadirachta indica
Aaron beach Villa - Curcuma longa
Daruharidra - Berberis aristata
Haritaki - Terminalia chebula
Bibhitak - Terminalia belerica
Amalaki - Emblica officinalis
Patola - Trichosanthes dioica


1 tablette 2 times daily or as directed by your doctor.

Original name:

Manjishtadi kwatham, 2x10 tabletten Kottakkal.

In our store You can buy authentic Manjishtadi kwatham, 2x10 tabletten Kottakkal at the best price!

This remedy is not a product of allopathic medicine. Mostly, it considered as food supplement that can be used only as a addition to the diet. All information on the treatment of diseases with this product is based on the knowledge of Ayurveda, phytotherapy and nutrition and is not confirmed by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health or other competent organizations and can only be used for reference.

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